× 茶樹生長過程中遭小綠葉蟬吸吮,人工採摘最幼嫩的一心一葉,再細心揉製而成的特殊茶品。
甘甜後韻,外觀及盡艷 麗多彩,茶湯水色成鮮豔琥珀色。
產地 : 台灣南投縣
口感 : 蜜香 馥郁甜柔 後發酵
Honey black tea is a rare black tea from the biological tea farm in Nantou, Taiwan.
This tea Tastes Honey with strong fruity aromas and has it’s own special sweet tastewhen buds and leafs are bitten by the Jacobiasca formosana (one kind of insect live in tea farms) and then the tea will have a special sweet taste. Because of this insect, farmers couldn’t use any insecticide. As a result, the tea farms for Oriental beauty tea become totally natural and organic.
Leaves are golden red-brown, wide, stretched and slightly twisted.
Tea has sweet and honey taste and aroma with fruits and cinnamon notes.
- Strong Honey、Fruity Taste
- Bergamot、Fruity aroma
- Post Fermentation & Dried
- Nantou, Taiwan.