× 凍頂烏龍茶在外觀講究整齊、龍形條索、葉尖捲曲呈現半球形、色澤墨綠帶油光;香氣以清純為重。
產地 : 台灣南投縣
口感 : 濃果香 入口回甘 中發酵 20 ~ 25%
This high-quality tea is from the Nantou County in central Taiwan which grows on the height of 800-2000 m.
Dong Ding Oolong Tea is heavy roasted tea and medium fermented oolong tea. The tea is hand-made in rolling, so its leaves are tight and curly semi-ball.
Dong Ding has good reputations from tea lovers around the world. clean and clear brew is golden emerald colored. The aroma is richly ripe fruity with a hint of peach. Embedding smooth and warm charcoal flavors and nicely with a smooth sweet aftertaste.
- Strong Roasted Taste
- Orchid、nuts、 fruits、 caramel、 wood
- Oxidation level: 25-30% & Heavy Roasted
- Nantou County in central Taiwan